Comte Bureau på Arendalsuka!

Erlend Nyhammer, Margaret Sripo Sanner, Herman Billett og Harald Selås drar til Arendal

Møt oss i Arendalsuka på onsdag 14. august, når Helsedirektoratet, Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) og statsråd Karianne Tung diskuterer foreløpige resultater fra prosjektet Alvorlig sykt barn! Vi jobber med et KI-verktøy som skal gi god og tilpasset informasjon til familier med behov for sammensatte tjenester. Et potensielt svært viktig tiltak for å rydde opp i jungelen av offentlige tjenester foreldre må navigere i.

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Comte Bureau

Comte Bureau help you innovate and create better services, products and environments. We firmly believe that it’s possible to create value for clients, and at the same time shape the future in a responsible way.

We are an interdisciplinary team consisting of social scientists, architects, graphic designers, service designers, product designers and business consultants. And whether the goal is to rethink a public service, improve a brand concept or design a space we use the same approach which start with a deep understanding of people - followed by a development of solutions responding to their needs.

Our unique combo of competence allows us to develop customer experiences within a wide range of businesses. And through collaboration, innovation and creativity we want to inspire people to adopt new behaviors that can have a positive impact on our surroundings.

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Nå er det Åpent på Den Gamle veterinærhøyskolen!